Wednesday night I got to meet and run with one of my running
idols, Scott Jurek. He is touring to promote his new book, Eat and Run, which I reviewed in a previous post. For all you non-ultrarunners out there,
let me try to explain how significant this was for me. If you are a road
runner, think meeting, say Bill Rodgers. If you are a golfer, think Tiger
Woods. And for my totally non-running
friends, well, just think meeting Elvis.
For me, it was a big deal.
Meeting an idol is a tricky thing. On the one hand, it is
exciting (Hey, I am meeting Scot Jurek!!), but on the other it carries with it some perils. What if the person
turns out to be not as idol-like as you had hoped? What if the person turns out in some way to be
a jerk? In Scott Jurek's case, not to
My initial impression of him, as he stepped out to address
the crowd gathered for the fun run 5k at Playmakers, was "Dang, he is a
lot taller than I had imagined." I think he had mentioned that in his
book, but I was still surprised. I am thinking he is easily over 6 ft., but
then again, I am small, so anyone over 5'7" is tall. The next impression I
had was of how down-to-earth he seemed. After a few pre-race introductions, we
posed for a group picture. Someone suggested that he lie on the ground in front
of the group. Although the pavement was undoubtedly quite hot (it was in the
90s), he only hesitated for a half beat before he gamely stretched out in front
of us on the ground for a series of pictures, still with a genuine smile on his

Finally (the run was at 7 and the talk at 8:30), we all
milled into Playmakers, where it was wonderfully cool, to wait for his presentation. There was a group of probably close to 300. It was an interesting collection of people, as was evidenced in
the Q/A session following the talk. Some people were there because they were
ultrarunners who were fully aware of Scott and his achievements. Then there
were the road runners and beginning runners who may or may not have been
familiar with his running resume. Some knew of him because of his appearance in
the book Born to Run. Others were local vegans and vegetarians (some who were
also runners) who were there because of their interest in his choice to follow
that lifestyle as an athlete.
He began the presentation with a short video that told a
little about him. It was a longer version of the book promo video that I had
posted with the book review. It was no doubt helpful for those who did not know
his history and background and who had not yet read the book.
He began by telling us how glad he was to be back at
Playmakers, which he quipped is the "Bass Pro Shop of Running
Stores." Then he thanked everyone for helping make his book #7 on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. Next he discussed Micah
True (Caballo Blanco) from Born to Run,
who had just died a few months ago. He told about going down to help search and
referred the audience to the great New York Times article that I had mentioned in my follow-up post on True's death. Then, rather than
taking a moment of silence, which he said was not True's style at all, he led
us in his famous celebratory yell that he does at the start of every race he runs.
His presentation was short because he said he did not want
to rehash stories from the book. Instead he opened the floor to questions and
answers from the audience, so he could talk about the things we might want to
know. As mentioned before, the questions
reflected the interests of the audience, everything from questions about
training, hydration, and electrolytes to questions about how he makes it
through the long runs mentally, to questions regarding his vegan lifestyle and
habits. He answered each one fully, patiently, and with a sense of humor. He
also answered many questions by referring the audience to articles that he had
written in case they wanted a longer or more detailed version of the answer.
He ended the talk by mentioning some of the charity work he
is involved with. He gave information about supporting the Caballo Blanco Memorial Fund to help continue the work that True was doing for the Tarahumara in Copper
Canyon. He also mentioned some charity work he is involved in helping get eye
surgery for Ethopians. To help raise money for this, he had some very
cool shirts for sale at the event and promised there would be more available on his site in the future. He mentioned that although his visit at
Playmakers was a free one, many of his appearances are not and that the funds
being raised are being donated to the charities that he believes in.
At the end of the event, he did the obligatory book signing
that comes with this type of tour. This is another spot where his incredible
patience, good nature, and thoughtfulness again shone through. It was already
after 9:30 when the talk ended. The line for the book signing very quickly
snaked down one side of the store, across the front, and back up the other side
of. As we all waited in line,
he popped out several times to remind us of things he had forgotten to say in
the talk, but also once to assure everyone that he would stay until the very
last book had been signed. That was pretty gracious considering he still had to
drive back to Grand Rapids when the event was over.
When signing time came, he took the time to again greet each
person individually and to pose for yet another picture. You could tell he really wanted
everyone that had come to see him to be happy. When I left, somewhere around
10:15, he was still signing. We took a quick trip over to Taco Bell for a few
bean and cheese burritos, and when we drove back past Playmakers, well after
10:30, you could see him through the window, still in their signing.
For me, this was a really great experience. His personality
is even more engaging in person than it is in the book, and I have even more
respect for him, not only as one of the best ultrarunners of all time but also
as an outstanding human being. If you get
the chance to head out to one of his events to meet him, I highly recommend
that you do so. His book tour schedule is listed on his site at And, if you have not yet read his book, what are you waiting for?
Great review Lori! I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you on this one. As much as I wanted to go, I wouldn't have survived the long evening.