Part 1 of this two part post discussed beginner marathon
training programs and the elements typically included in them. This post will
cover the types of workouts usually seen in intermediate or advanced marathon
programs (in addition to the previous types of workouts, which are still a
backbone of the training schedule).

There are two main types of workouts meant to help runners
improve their performances relative to marathon pace. These are lactate
threshold workouts and interval workouts. Each works to improve different
aspects of a runner's speed.
A Little
Physiology: It is not my purpose to go deeply into physiology in this
post, but you do need to understand a bit about how the body produces energy
while running to understand the two types of speed work. This is a very
simplified version of the explanation, but hopefully it will be enough. If you
want a deeper explanation, two good training books to look at are Daniels' Running Formula or Advanced Marathoning by Pfitzinger and
Douglas. These are two training books that intermediate and advanced
marathoners should consider reading. They both contain excellent training plans
for more advanced marathoning, and much of the information in this post is
based on information from these two books.

Both of these types of energy production create waste
products called lactate in the cells and bloodstream that the body has to
dispose of. In low intensity aerobic activity your body can dispose of these
waste products faster than you are creating them, so these wastes do not
inhibit your ability to continue running. If you are running aerobically at an
easy pace you can literally run for hours and hours without these wastes
becoming a limiting factor in your performance, which is exactly what we strive
for in our marathons.
Anaerobic metabolism is not as efficient as aerobic metabolism
and creates larger amounts of waste products, more than the body can eliminate
efficiently. Therefore, when you are working anaerobically, you are on a very
short time clock. Eventually, depending on how much of your energy production
is being done anaerobically, the waste products will accumulate in the cell
which will inhibit the function. The maximum amount of time a body can work
with most of its energy coming from anaerobic sources is about four minutes, so
anaerobic metabolism is not usually a factor in distance running (although you
may dip into the anaerobic system in a finishing kick in a distance run).
Marathoners want to train their aerobic system without
moving into anaerobic metabolism. Every runner's body has a maximum limit of
how much energy can be produced by their aerobic system. This upper limit in
the body's ability to produce, transport, and use this energy is called the VO2
max, and this is what runners train in interval workouts. You never actually
use this pace in marathon running, but by pushing back this upper end, the pace
at which you can run comfortably also gets faster. It shifts the whole range of
paces that are comfortable for you to run.
As you speed up from an easy aerobic pace but before you
reach maximum production, you will eventually get to the tipping point in waste
removal, where you are producing more waste than you can remove. Once you get
past this pace, you will eventually limit your ability to continue when you
have collected too much waste to clear effectively, and you will have to slow
down to allow the bodies waste disposal to catch up. This tipping point is called the lactate
threshold. However, the good news is that this process can also be improved
with training so that runners can push back the pace at which the lactate
threshold occurs. That is the goal of lactate threshold training.
Now that you understand the basic physiology, let's look at
how these get worked into marathon training.
Lactate threshold
(LT) workouts: Almost all intermediate and advanced marathon programs (and
even some beginner programs) will include this type of workout. Pfitzinger and
Douglas call this "the most important physiological variable for endurance
athletes." In these types of workouts you are meant to
run at a pace that is just under the lactate threshold for a particular period
of time. Stimulating the body in this way causes the body to adapt to make this
level of effort easier and more efficient, which pushes back the pace at which
the lactate threshold occurs.
The key component of this type of training is not to run too
fast. If you run faster than your current lactate threshold, then you will not
produce the desired adaptations. The tricky thing with this type of training is
determining that pace. It can be done scientifically in an exercise lab by
taking blood samples, but most runners don't determine it that way. Most
programs that include threshold training will either include a chart by which
you determine your threshold workout pace based on a previous race effort, such
as Daniels' VDOT charts. Others will
tell you to run it at a pace that is roughly equivalent to your 15k race pace
or that you could sustain for an hour without slowing down. For me this pace
tends to come out to about 15 seconds per mile slower than my half marathon
race pace.
The lactate threshold runs in your marathon program will
usually be of one of two types. The most common is usually called a "tempo
run" and involves up to 20 minutes of continuous running at LT pace. These
should be done over fairly flat courses, and your goal should be to hold steady
at your LT pace. In these workouts, it is better to go a little under the goal
LT pace than it is to go too fast. This pace should be comfortably hard but
sustainable. Besides the physiological training, they also train you to focus
and develop self-discipline in pacing. You should not have to slow down toward the end of these workouts. If you do, you went too fast.
The second type of LT run that may be included is called
"cruise intervals." These were popularized by Jack Daniels and have been incorporated into many marathon programs. These are shorter periods of tempo running, such
as 5-15 minutes, with a short rest, usually one minute, in between. These
workouts allow runners to spend more time running at threshold pace because of
the short breaks that allow runners a bit of physical and mental recovery.
Many intermediate programs include LT workouts either every
week or every other week. These are my favorite workouts, and I look forward to
them. I always feel fantastic after these workouts, and you should too if you
don't run them too fast. These workouts have a big payoff with a very low risk
of injury. If you have not been doing these type of workouts in training, you
will see improvements in your racing times at all distances by adding these in.
Oh geez, although I originally thought that this information
on marathon training would be a two part post, I can tell from the length of
this, that I am going to need a Part 3. This was already a lot to take in. I am
going to stop now. The next post will cover the second and more demanding type
of speed work, interval training. It will also mention other miscellaneous
types of workouts that may pop up in your marathon program, such as marathon
paced runs and strides. I hope you will come back midweek for the final post inthe marathon training series.
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